Project no.229

Neta Goren & Shahar Bram | Double exhibition

American Poetry:
Portraits and Poems at Office in Tel Aviv Gallery

Chief Curator: Rachel Sukman

Opening: Friday, 1 October 2021, 11 a.m

Closing: Sundsy, 5 November 2021


6 Zamenhoff St. , Tel Aviv, tel.: 03-5254191

Gallery hours:

Tuesday-Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 13:00
Saturday: closed





Lucille Clifton, 2021
30x30 cm

Lucille Clifton, 2021
45x30 cm

Delmore Schwartz, 2011
30x30 cm
Delmore Schwartz, 2021
45x30 cm

Ezra Pound, 2012
30x30 cm

Ezra Pound, 2021
45x30 cm

Anne Sexton, 2011
30x30 cm
Anne Sexton, 2021
45x30 cm

Robert Hayden, 2013
30x30 cm

Robert Hayden, 2021
45x30 cm

Emily Dickinson, 2011
30x30 cm
Emily Dickinson, 2021
45x30 cm

Langston Hughes, 2011
30x30 cm

Langston Hughes, 2021
45x30 cm

Walt Whitman, 2010
30x30 cm
Walt Whitman, 2021
45x30 cm

T.S. Eliot, 2021
30x30 cm

T.S. Eliot, 2021
45x30 cm

John Berryman, 2010
30x30 cm
John Berryman, 2021
45x30 cm

Hilda Doolittle (H.D.), 2010
30x30 cm

Hilda Doolittle (H.D.
45x30 cm

Sylvia Plath, 2011
30x30 cm
Sylvia Plath, 2021
45x30 cm

Robert Penn Warren, 2011
30x30 cm

Robert Penn Warren, 2021
45x30 cm

Hart Crane, 2012
30x30 cm
Hart Crane, 2021
45x30 cm

About the show


A collaboration between a poet and an artist, this show pays tribute to American poetry in word and portraiture. It is the outcome of a dialogue in which ideas and thoughts continuously shift between the visual and the verbal; the eye moves back and forth between an idiom and a contour of a body, between a figure of speech and the figure in color.


The poems and drawings relate to each other in diverse ways, rival each other and complete one another. They compete yet harmonize, hinting thus in myriad ways to the life and work of each poet, bringing to life a visual and textual portrait of twenty-six American masters such as Robert Frost, Allen Ginsberg, Ezra Pound, Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Lowell, Charles Olson, Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman among others.


The poems are not translated into English.

Those below were translated for the purpose of this letter only.


How Long by Shahar Bram in honor of Delmore Schwartz


A generation's illness

is not an answer to a poet's death.

Each poet's sword-his soaring words,

yours were the ones that sang of solitude and silence,

a white birds' choir, the shooting stars

that crossed our heavens briefly

to realize their essence

in a dying consciousness.


If poetry is the expression of a burning

body, the humming orbit around

an obscure and twinkling core,

how long the pale wake lingers

on the mantle of night

after the heart fails?


In some hotel, lost fame, lost

man, and dead three days

of ignorance, the world

in which you flickered

gone, oh long ago,

an empty bottle in an empty room,

last drops of time consumed, of time

the monster and the pet you tamed and poked,

whose daughter love (the animal) your lines kept

circling, leaving room for others to step in.

Where are they now?


An empty circle,

an isolated talk against the wounded walls

of mind, the lullaby of holes, the horrors

splashed when all of a sudden

from a naked mirror a poet

young and promising reflects,

and poems old and strange

bubble up the brackish well of memory.

Did you believe in poetry

until the end, as was said?

Was poetry an ally

in the battle against a mental foe?

Could myth be an ally against oblivion?

A People is Singing by Shahar Bram in honor of Langston Hughes


People are singing,

their bodies sway,

their body is the fruit of their voice,

their soft, fluffy fiber glorifies the wind

unprotected: stripes of flesh, scattered souls.


Blessed be the blind earth that gathers all seeds,

the clear words that assemble torn cotton bolls:

both feet on the ground

a people is singing

in one voice

Anyway by Shahar Bram in honor of Anne Sexton


Not myself, anyway.

A mannequin

or a skeleton;

perhaps a doll.

I dress it, undress it,

I feed it with thoughts

which I afterwards share,

they spread like snakes in the air.

My fellow puppets are sympathizing,

'you remind me of someone I once met,' says the wolf,

and Rumpelstiltskin grins: 'I'm for real, I pay with gold.'

And indeed this is not a dream,

and I keep stitching my self,

smiling like hell.

I am so much awake,

I'm lying in the clearing,

a beautiful model

covered with empty leaves.

Go ahead, read through me,

I'm transparent,

you'll never see

I am not





Needles by Shahar Bram in honor of Robert Lowell


Needles, nails, whipping-

someone's mind must be out of his-

it must be my body.

And shrinking,

once a Tsar

now a flat balloon;

the memory of flying,

and the fright of recalling my selves.

Ah but writing, the little time

left after the highs and I's

sliding down, the who I am

putting down.

The hangman and his victim are one.
The Show by Shahar Bram
in honor of Sylvia Plath


"Dr. Tod Mr. Gott Sir Liebhaber

will perform three farewell shows

starting this Spring, when the blossoming

red cells desire more, encore,

in the local theater Das Leben.

There will be no rerun."


"As in a colorful dream

the audience will have a rare opportunity

to watch the one and only

Der Heilige Vater

substantiate his three personalities.

There will be no rerun."

"Herr Teufel and Dame Seele

will sing Valediction,

dance the great tango,

unite and make flesh

in a beautiful maiden body.

There will be no rerun."

"Der Zeit, the Master of ceremonies,

will lead the last show

to be held on a bloody cold day

in a dense cell

when the theater is closed.

There will be no rerun."




About the poet :


Prof. Shahar Bram teaches at the Department of Hebrew & Comparative Literature at the University of Haifa.


His most recent books include Requiem to a Bird (2017); Memento: Poetry, Photography, Memory (2017); and A Birds Clock (2016).


Prof. Shahar Bram teaches American and Hebrew poetry, in writing that bring together historical aspects with theoretical, thematic aspects, and broaden the discussion to other fields such as art, photography, etc.


Prof. Bram is on the Advisory Board of the Gloucester Writer Center , Gloucester MA .



About the painter:


Neta was born in Israel and raised in South Africa . She spent formative periods of time in the Netherlands , Italy , Canada and the US . Over the years—formally and less formally—she studied music, literature, languages and art.

Neta holds a BA in Italian Literature & Art History from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; and an MA [ cum laude ] in Comparative Literature from the University of Haifa .


Neta Goren is a member of the Cape Ann Artist Community with past exhibits at Rocky Neck.